woman standing in park with a small lake surrounded by elements of a smart sustainable city


We believe that advancing sustainability is a business imperative that requires innovation and investment in technology, as well as ecosystem thinking and business partnerships for success.

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Leveraging business opportunities with purpose

Climate change and sustainability challenges are impacting societies and economies more than ever before, and businesses are facing immense pressure to change. However, this change also presents new opportunities for leveraging digitalization at its core. 

Our mission is to enable sustainability for businesses across all industries, accompany them through their green transformation journey, and provide purpose-driven solutions. 

Regardless of which sustainability aspect an organization's transformation focuses on – whether it's measuring and reporting, setting up a comprehensive strategy, or adapting operations – key success factors are crucial. Over the past 20 years, we have supported Siemens in becoming a global leader in sustainability. Alongside partners within and beyond Siemens, we have developed tools and methodologies that can be customized to our clients' unique needs, ensuring success in their individual sustainability journey. 

The combination of our proven expertise, industry best practices, and cutting-edge digital technology allows us to support businesses along their entire value chain – from strategy to implementation – helping them turn their ambitions into concrete actions and gain a competitive advantage. 

Explore our tailored portfolio to support your business needs

Advanced Analytics & AI for Sustainability

Empowering businesses to leverage data and advanced analytics to make sustainability data more transparent and measurable. 

Large Scale Transformation as a Sustainability enabler

Leveraging experience from all kind of large-scale transformations including change management, reorganization and re-purposing. 

Solutions Development

Tackling individual business challenges by developing customized solutions, e.g., for reporting systems.

Sustainable Factory / Supply Chain Transformation

Driving sustainability in supply chain by using our expertise in supplier selection and management, as well as setup of efficient incentivization schemes. 

Sustainable R&D Transformation

Making products more sustainable by supporting organizations to make R&D ready for eco product design and process innovation for circularity.

Sustainability Strategy, Governance & Operations

Supporting businesses on their path from sustainability maturity assessment over sustainability strategy and energy efficient operations to sustainability-as-a-business. 

man inspecting a plant on his farm with his tablet using green and sustainable methods

Using technology and AI for environmental protection

Existing and emerging technologies, such as AI solutions, can help track environmental parameters and measure the impact of construction sites, infrastructure, and buildings on the environment. This is especially crucial for large and hard-to-monitor areas. These technologies can minimize harm to the surrounding environment and ensure environmental compliance. We empower our customers to identify key use cases, develop AI models, and implement smart technologies, such as multispectral satellite imagery for monitoring vegetation health, thermal imaging cameras for animal population control, drones equipped with cameras to detect anomalies and compliance with environmental regulations, or IoT sensors for monitoring air quality and particulate matter emissions. 

man inspecting at desk with wind farms and green energy objects around him inspecting data

Leverage the power of data for sustainability

Data is crucial for transforming a company into a sustainability champion. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, or progress on waste-to-landfill reduction, empower management to identify improvement opportunities, incentivize responsible employees, uncover pain points, and communicate successes to stakeholders. This valuable data is often available in regulatory reports, energy supplier invoices, or ERP systems. Our team helps clients combine existing information to gain new insights, develop gap-closing strategies, and make data accessible to stakeholders, driving sustainability success across the organization. Whether it's end-to-end sustainability or addressing specific pain points, our expertise can lead your company to sustainability leadership. 


Enhancing sustainability in cities with smart waste management

Efficient waste management is essential for reducing the environmental impact of cities and municipalities and promoting recycling. However, waste management is a complex issue with challenges such as inadequate waste segregation and inefficient collection routes. Technology, including gamification for higher recycling rates, smart waste collection routes, and advanced recycling systems, can play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges, improving waste management processes, and reducing landfill waste. Our solutions optimize waste management through cutting-edge technologies, promoting sustainability and environmental stewardship.  

infographic of waste management across value chain with many sustainability data points

Sustainability case studies

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Aspern smart city research

Siemens Advanta helped ASCR model the energy demand and impact of e-car charging on the grid using a Digital Twin, as it will become a major energy consumer in cities...

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A leading Chinese equipment manufacturer moves toward carbon neutrality

Countries aim to become climate neutral, with China targeting carbon neutrality by 2060. Low-carbon products are in demand, and our client seeks a roadmap to carbon neutrality while maintaining business opportunities...

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Our industry leader

Get in touch with our experts to discuss how we can work together to solve your challenges.
Christian Neumann
Christian Neumann
Global Consulting Head Sustainability Business
Christian Werner
Christian Werner
Solution Head Solution Engineering EMEA
Randeep Singh
Randeep Singh
Solution Partner Sustainability North America