Digital Implementation
From vision to impact: “Vision without implementation is just an illusion.”
Shift in digital strategy
Thomas Edison was right: a great vision is the foundation for building a valuable and sustainable business. However, realizing this vision requires down-to-earth and hard-headed execution – an essential element that is often underestimated by even the most advanced leaders in their respective industries.
Just a decade ago, we clearly differentiated between business strategy, which typically targeted growth or bottom-line optimization, and technology strategy, which was responsible for putting the right enablers in place. Clear accountabilities and responsibilities were assigned. However, soon after, the term 'Digital' emerged, and was initially treated as a synonym for IT, we realized that the clear lines we were all used to had become entirely blurred.
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Empowering business success in the digital era
In today's competitive business landscape, digitalization is the key to success. To bridge the gap between strategy and execution, clear objectives, meticulous planning, prioritization, measurable milestones, and effective change management are crucial. Partner with experts to empower your business in the digital era, achieve success, and enhance customer experience.
Digital is no longer just an enabler for a successful business; it now shapes the business itself and has become the key differentiator for competing leaders. Nowadays, executives need to successfully navigate business strategy formulation, technology selection, and seamless, error-free, and fast implementation to stay relevant in an increasingly dynamic environment.
Shift towards Execution and Realization
As a result, the focus has shifted strongly from the definition of strategies towards their implementation and realization. This transition has proven to be significantly more difficult than anticipated, with more than 80% of all attempts falling short of the set ambition.
The keys to effective and successful execution include clear objectives, thorough planning, prioritization, measurable milestones, carefully considered risks and mitigation measures, and a clear implementation roadmap. More pivotal than ever is the need for a strong emphasis on ensuring motivated and empowered teams, as well as a relentless drive to completion. People and change management are at the center of every project.
Bridging the Gap
Executives need to bridge the gap between the holistic strategy and its realization by ensuring that the right capabilities are in place for execution. For example, understanding the transactions needed for customer service interaction, the relevant data for the service, and how to use the technology needed to process data and handle data flows can enhance the results and quality delivered to the end user.
Every client has unique digital journeys that demand tailored assessment and optimization to increase their value contribution to customers. Siemens Advanta can help by defining the vision and strategy, designing and prototyping the desired business outcomes, and driving implementation down to the technology level to enable the digitalization of business processes – and with it, enhance customer experience.
Achieving Business Success in the Digital Era It's not digital magic that helps leaders differentiate, but rather the right comprehensive end-to-end approach with the required expertise. It is possible, even for your company. Partner with Siemens Advanta for expert guidance and solutions to achieve business success in the digital era.