Business Potentials of Autonomous Driving
We supported one of the leading premium OEMs to develop and outline their strategy for a future autonomous vehicle system and the associated ecosystem. We identified promising use cases for city logistic and private-public mobility services. We analyzed the corresponding business and operating model and finally generated a concrete business plan and a detailed implementation roadmap for our client.
With the growing relevance of autonomous driving entering our daily lives, our client felt the need to develop new business models entering the next age of mobility. Due to the wide range of new opportunities, identification of first use-cases remains challenging for all OEMs. However, the European market still offers the chance to be among the first movers, but time is crucial and Covid-19 has further accelerated the transformation. One main question our client asked us to address: how can my company monetize autonomous driving in an early stage and initiate building up an ecosystem of technology partners today?
In a sprint-based agile working mode we performed a deep-dive into the market to understand where autonomous driving can add value for our clients and its customers. We therefore identified relevant personas as well as the ecosystem they play in and associated user journeys to derive suitable use-cases such as city logistics and private-public mobility services. We analyzed the potentials of autonomous driving technology in an early stage of maturity and identified four focus use cases. Going forward, we applied frameworks to develop the business and operation model including a clear business plan for our client.
By applying all of the described measures we identified and defined concrete business models leveraging the potentials of autonomous vehicle system for the organization – including all relevant stakeholders in the ecosystem. We proposed a new governance model for all involved parties and set up a business case logic to enable and empower our client to tackle future requirements.
Ultimately, we delivered a clear and tangible roadmap to further implement identified business models and form an ecosystem consisting of technology partners that might transform into joint ventures in the near future.