IoT demystified

Is IoT just another trend that will pass? Is IoT a silver bullet? Does it cost a fortune?

hands opening a door

Tune in and discover what lies behind the myths!

Episode 1

Episode 2

It’s hard to see through! In episode I and II we start your digital journey by uncovering the truth behind legendary myths and a lot of the buzz around the IoT topic.

We invited Peter Körte, Chief Strategy Officer Siemens, and Aymeric Sarrazin, CEO Siemens Advanta, to discuss the power of IoT and help you overcome the hurdle of starting and continuing your digital transformation.

Peter Körte

"IoT opens up entirely new universes that we have not even known about, and transforms the way we operate."

Peter Körte, Chief Strategy Officer Siemens

Aymeric Sarrazin

"IoT is a very powerful tool, if you know what you want to use it for."

Aymeric Sarrazin, CEO Siemens Advanta

Oisin Lunny

Our host

Oisin Lunny is an award-winning marketer, journalist, webinar and podcast host, public speaker, and professor of UX driven business. He is a senior contributor to, where he has written about Siemens smart city and IoT initiatives, and has also written for The Guardian, IT Pro Portal, Computer Business Review, and many others. He has been the chair and moderator of IoT and IIoT-related events in the whole world.

Oisin has worked in a series of leading global technology firms over the past 20 years as Global Product Manager, U.K. Country Manager, Technical VP, Senior Market Development Manager, and Chief Evangelist.

IoT deep dive