Defining the Strategy for a Nation-Wide Energy Transition Towards Net Zero
The dynamics and complexity faced by the key players in the automotive and new mobility industry require digital and sustainable solutions. We not only support the entire value chain, from the formulation of an R&D strategy to digital service innovation, but also on topics such as the development of new ways of working and the transformation of the circular economy. We therefore offer a comprehensive service portfolio that covers the entire process from strategy to implementation.
The energy ministry of a country requires a holistic energy transition strategy to drive nationwide policy instruments for decarbonization (net zero).
We jointly defined an energy transition vision with the client, establishing optimal decarbonization targets, including renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, and e-mobility. We developed an implementation roadmap and secured policy buy-in from key stakeholders in charge.
A policy outlook until 2030, with dedicated measures and accountabilities defined per policy area, enabling a net-zero target by a specific date.