
City Graph

Unleash the power of data for smart cities through openness, AI, and live execution in digital twins

Your business goals are aimed at improving operational efficiency, but costs, openness, privacy and support play a large factor?

Or you’re interested in digitally transforming your district, campus, or infrastructure using data and advanced analytics to make it more efficient and secure, but don't know if your data is sufficient, what access is needed, and what values can be achieved?

Siemens Advanta and Microsoft collaborated to address your core challenges and develop City Graph - an Open Urban Platform, which supports digital models of urban design, providing rich context to enable the new generation of city applications. It is built on Siemens MindSphere cloud-based open IoT platform, that connects all kinds of devices and models the relationship between spaces, devices, and people in a graph. It utilizes Microsoft services including Azure Digital Twins, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Active Directory, ML and advanced analytics. The platform offers cities the possibility to break through information silos and, for the first time, have access to information where it can be placed into proper context.

Contact us for more info on City Graph

Gain transparency, uncover inefficiencies & build holistic approaches

Identify changes

Control and identify changes as they happen

Sustainability Goals

Work towards your sustainability KPIs

Our solutions and capabilities

Unleash the power of data for Smart Cities through openness, AI and live execution in Digital Twins.

To get a fair digital representation of a city we need to create a model of the reality and have the possibility to add context to the entities, e.g. relationships between city operational systems and data bases. Therefore, different domains (electricity, individual and public transportation, waste disposal, etc.) can be merged in one digital city model. Having a graph with entities of the real world and enriching them with live data coming from connected devices and integrated legacy systems and their relationships is the key enabler to control the present, track the past and predict the future.


  • Digital Twin: Improve network capacity by providing Digital Twin – real time contextual data modeling
  • Data Sources: Fast and easy deployment of complex relations of data sources
  • The Cloud: Optimizing your business operations by connecting your existing assets and data sources
  • Open urban IoT platform: Optimize operations through the integration of our Open urban IoT platform
  • Open standard: Digital Twins are defined through the open sourced DTDL.
  • Open Data: Data from the graph model or the data lake can be provided to the public as open data
  • Built-in simulation engine: Operational configuration to test assumptions or new processes/procedures
  • Community sharing: Implement the cross-city digital feedback loop GitHub for each use case – and share learnings and IoT evolutions

We are honored

that our groundbreaking solution City Graph has already been recognized globally and awarded with the World Smart City 2020 Award in the category Urban Environment and the IDC Award in the category Resilient Infrastructure for our project with Aspern Smart City Research, recognizing pioneering projects, ideas, and strategies that make cities around the world more livable, sustainable, and economically viable.

Discover how we unlocked the full potential of ASCR


Aspern Smart City Research is the joint venture between the energy sector provider and network operator of Vienna and Siemens. It is about exploring solutions for the energy future within an urban development zone. The energy demand for e-car charging is already increasing significantly and will be one of the major energy consumers within a city’s infrastructure in the future. Siemens Advanta supported ASCR to find a solution on how they can model the energy demand of electrical vehicles and their impact on the electricity grid.

Our industry leader

Get in touch with our expert to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges.
Björn Burbach
Björn Burbach
Regional Solution Head Buildings Campuses & Cities EMEA