
ESG Strategy and Governance

We help organizations develop comprehensive ESG strategies and governance frameworks tailored to their unique needs. Our approach helps businesses to identify key ESG topics, establish ambitious goals, and create a clear roadmap for implementation. With our expertise organizations can capitalize on ESG opportunities while satisfying the demands of diverse stakeholder groups. 

  • Gain transparency on organizations’ ESG activities and regulatory requirements, e.g., by identifying and streamlining competing initiatives across the company 
  • Develop a clear sustainability vision and roadmap that aligns with business objectives and values, e.g., by conducting materiality assessments 
  • Establish and prioritize measurable targets and KPIs to effectively track ESG performance and success, e.g., a carbon neutrality timeline or a goal for circularity 
  • Install a dedicated and integrated governance system with clearly defined roles and responsibilities, e.g., dedicated sustainability responsible per organizational unit 
  • Implement a robust reporting infrastructure to enhance transparency and accountability on ESG matters, e.g., automated reporting dashboards with core KPIs 

Our industry leader

Please reach out to Christian Neumann for more information.
Christian Neumann
Christian Neumann
Global Consulting Head Sustainability Business