woman with a cellphone standing in a garden

ESG and Net Zero: From Strategy to Implementation

Digital Transformation of your properties

Keeping your building portfolio compliant to new regulations and reaching ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals in today’s ever-changing environment is not an easy task. It will not be sufficient to optimize the individual processes and management systems within a building. Digitalization, integration and coordinated, centralized management will be key as holistic, sustainable decisions can only be made with full transparency.

We support the digital transformation of your properties from sustainability strategy to implementation. Take the path with us, from setting a goal to potential analysis to blueprint and piloting up to implementation and rollout.

Working with you, we will find the right way to begin your ESG project – regardless of your current status!

Contact us for more info on ESG Digital Solutions

We support you in reducing the risk of “stranded assets”


Tackle the challenge of early economic obsolescence of buildings that get devaluated and are non-performing.

Together we define your decarbonization pathway to comply to regulatory (energy) efficiency standards. By focusing on your sustainability goals, also tenant expectations can be met leading to reduced vacancies and higher rents.

Being able to measure, report and improve data relating to energy, water and waste is a core success factor in this respect.

Find out how we can support the Digital Transformation of your Building Portfolio

Our offering to support your digital transformation journey towards ESG and Net Zero:

  • Definition of ESG and Net Zero strategy for the building portfolio
  • Prioritization of ESG and Net Zero topics and relevant criteria/KPIs and use cases to increase ESG rating
  • Assess potential risks and develop an action plan for the portfolio
ESG & Net Zero transparency and strategy
  • Structured inventory of existing buildings, systems, data
  • Target-actual comparison to identify required data
  • Business case and feasibility study for digital solutions and to improve defined ESG and Net Zero KPIs
Portfolio, data and systems due diligence
  • System architecture blueprint and organizational transformation plan 
  • Listing/ evaluation of possible technical solutions and partners 
  • Project planning
Solution design and planning
  • Turn-key implementation with technical solutions, products and support for organizational transformation
Implementation and scaling

Your benefits


Supporting on a modular basis or with a comprehensive solution.

Domain Expertise

Bridging sustainability, technology, and the real estate market.

Competitive Portfolio

Guiding your path to better ESG ratings and Net Zero.

Improved ROI

Reduce vacancies and achieve higher rents by exceeding tenant expectations towards sustainability.

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Our industry leader

Get in touch with our expert to discuss how we can work together to solve any of your challenges.
Björn Burbach
Björn Burbach
Regional Solution Head Buildings Campuses & Cities EMEA